Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 7, 2010

4 Wonderful, Amazing, Fun, Spectacular....Years

This year was our 4th anniversary!!! Can you believe it's gone by so fast?? I am so blessed to have spent the last 4 years being Jeff's wife and partner in life. Some days the overwhelming feeling of joy hits me and I can't help but thank the Lord for the husband He chose for me.

To celebrate we went to dinner (just the 2 of us) for the first time since Hunter was born. Rita, Kevin, Bryce and Laney entertained Hunter for us to go. (He did great by the way!) We had a yummy steak dinner at Sullivan's complete with dessert and coffee. I will admit we spent quite a bit of the time talking about our sweet boy. :)

Here are couple pictures from our night out!